Daml Hub Feature Delivery Update - November 2022

author by David Richards November 16, 2022

In this article

The team has been working hard over the past few months to deliver new features to the Daml Hub service. Below are some of the highlights:

View ledger logs in the Daml Hub console

The logs of individual ledgers can now be viewed in the Daml Hub console. The ability to view ledger logs in the console makes the development and debugging of Daml applications built on Hub much quicker and easier. The ledger logs are split into the two components which make up a ledger; the participant and the domain.

To view the logs for a ledger, click on the ledger to see the details from the Daml Hub workspace. The default view should be the ‘Deployments’ tab and the logs can be seen for the Participant or the Domain under the ‘Default Deployments’ section at the bottom of the page as seen below:

Improved Availability & Reducing Scheduled Maintenance Windows

Those who keep up to date with our scheduled maintenance announcements will notice that a few months ago we changed them to be weekly. This has enabled us to work faster on improving the availability and robustness of the service and we appreciate everyone’s patience with this. Towards the end of November we are going to change back to having scheduled maintenance windows on a monthly basis and hope to reduce the frequency even further in the not-too-far future.

React URL Routing

User interfaces hosted on Daml Hub now support react routing. Previously, only hash-based routing was supported.

Daml v1 ledgers have been removed

All of our users will have received at least one email in the past month letting them know that we were removing Daml v1 ledgers from the Daml Hub service. The ability to create Daml v1 ledgers was removed at the start of October, and then all remaining v1 ledgers were deleted on 4th November.

For background on why we made this change, as a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) provider it's important to keep our customers on the latest version of the software to give them the latest features and to make sure that all of the security patches are up to date to help protect our service and our customers' data. For those reasons we, and other SaaS providers, generally keep their customers on the latest or latest -n versions of the software.