Digital Asset Daml Release Notes

Release of Daml Connect 1.11.2

Written by Anthony Lusardi | Jun 24, 2021 4:00:00 AM

Daml Connect 1.11.2 has been released to fix a few bugs, namely:

  • Fixed  bug in the integration kit, which could lead to incorrect error messages on transactions involving duplicate contract keys.
  • Backported a bugfix from 1.13.0 where transient duplicate keys did not result in an error. See #9478.
  • Fixed a bug in the integration kit which could lead to errors in the participant node in cases where duplicate contract keys are shared only through the witnessing of create events.
  • The JSON API Health Endpoint now queries the Ledger API Health Endpoint to correctly report problems upstream.

You can install 1.11.2 using:

daml install 1.11.2

Complete release notes for the 1.11.x release can be found here.