Block8 published part two AND part three of their DAML vs. Corda series. Part 2 covers ease of learning and documentation while Part 3 dives into functionality. A must-read series.
Bart showing off his new DAML hoodie that he won during our last community reward ceremony. If you want your own you can win the next one, or pick one up here.
Odyssey starts on November 13th and György, the DAML'r-extraordinaire, responded to our call and decided to take up hacking on the Sovereign Nature track where participants will build systems that improve the collection and distribution of environmental data. They're looking for more members so reach out if you're interested in spending a weekend improving the world.
Ayan Works (based out of Pune, India) are looking for DAML developers that can deploy to Fabric and Sawtooth. If you think this sounds like you check out the listing here!
The compiler now emits warnings if you use advanced and undocumented language features which are not supported by data-dependencies. This only affects you if you use language extensions not documented on or import DA.Generics. If you receive such warnings, it is recommended that you move off them. If you are getting unexpected warnings, or don’t know how to migrate, please get in touch with us via the public forum or (for registered users).
If you are using stream queries in the React Hooks, we recommend you migrate to the new multi-key versions. The migration is detailed below. The old functions are now deprecated, meaning they may be removed with a major release 12 months from now.
If you are using DAML Triggers, you’ll need to migrate them to the new API.
What’s Coming
We are continuing to work on performance of the DAML integration components and improving production readiness of DAML Ledgers, but there are exciting features and improvements in the pipeline for the next few releases as well.
The Trigger Service will reach feature completion and move into Beta
The authentication framework for DAML client applications (like the Trigger Service) is being revisited to make it more flexible (and secure!)
The build process for DAML client applications using the JavaScript/TypeScript tooling is being improved to remove the most common error scenarios
DAML's error and execution semantics are being tidied up with a view towards improving exception handling in DAML
DAML will get a generic Map type as part of DAML-LF 1.9