tokenization regulation

Proper tokenisation under Basel requires connectivity and control

author by Digital Asset January 30, 2024

In this article

The release of the Basel Committee’s final standard on the prudential treatment of banks' crypto assets in late December last year has flagged that permissionless blockchains could give rise to a number of ‘unique risks’.

Read how connectivity and control are both required for banks to realise the benefits of tokenisation through a blockchain network that is public yet permissioned, and why Digital Asset and the Canton Network stand out.


A blockchain network that offers both connectivity and control:


Gain insights from industry experts

Yuval Rooz  Yuval Rooz | Co-Founder & CEO
Global Custodian
Manoj-Ramia-B&W  Manoj Ramia | General Counsel

Bank of International Settlements (BIS) SC60 Rule - How to Assess your Risk

The new BIS rule SC60 assigns a different balance sheet treatment (Risk Weighted Assets) based on a series of conditions, and can lead to certain crypto-assets requiring 1250% in Risk Weighted Assets for banks. The nature of your network has a major role to play in this distinction. All "cryptoassets (including tokenised assets) that use permissionless blockchains'' automatically trigger a risk weighting of up to 1250%.

Assess your risk exposure >


Webinar: Decoding Public vs. Private: Regulatory Insights on Connectivity and Control

The session aims to enhance understanding of key regulations, highlighting the mandate for a blockchain network that proficiently manages connectivity and control to comply with Basel requirements for effective tokenization. We explore approaches to maximize the benefits of tokenization while avoiding capital charges on tokenized assets.

Watch the webinar >